
Friday, March 16, 2012

Yummy Yummy in my tummy!

This was our dinner tonight! yum-o! It's Salmon Cakes with zesty lemon dill sauce! So good. I rounded it off with some good ol fashioned brocolli! Cuz I am awesome.. lol.. No really this was a big acomplishment for me lately.. I have been so sick and tired and stressed and mad at the world (well.. that's kinda always but ya know..) that I can barely cook. Tonights dinner was the second dinner in a row that I have made dinner at home! Cool beans..
This unfortunately is what happens when I cook.. I sorta need like a crime scene clean up crew when I am done.. I am sure there are a few vegetables that were massacred in that heap of stuff there.. But my thing is.. If you want it on the table ALL hot at the SAME time then deal with the resulting tornado! My dad used to say that you could tell I had been cooking if A. there was sugar all over the floor or B. The oven was left on.. Both sadly.. TRUE.. I do it all the time and still sugar and ice cubes just end up on the floor.. sorry.. sh*t happens..
So we enjoyed our dinner and then tried to bathe a baby in a cast.. Seriously not a fun venture..

So the moral of our story here is that when life hands you salmon.. make cakes!

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